Professor Ivica Klapan, M.D., Ph.D.

Prof. Ivica Klapan dr. med.

Professor Ivica Klapan, M.D., Ph.D.

Degree, Vocation and Occupation:
Professor, MD, PhD, Scientific adviser; Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Plastic Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, and Faculty of  Dental Medicine and Health J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Republic of Croatia, EU 
Medical Licensure : MD No. 040622 (approved by the Croatian Medical Council)


Surgical and Scientific Fields of Interest: rhinosinusology, functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), plastic and reconstructive surgery of the head and neck, 3D navigation-computer assisted FES-surgery (3D-CA-NESS), telesurgery (tele-3D-CA-NESS), virtual endoscopy and surgery (VE, VS) of the head and neck, chronic sinusitis – immunobiochemical characteristics, rhinophotodynamic therapy (RPDT) of sinonasal polyposis

Fields of Expert Activities: rhino surgery (nose/sinuses/skull base), plastic and reconstructive surgery of the head and neck, functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), 3D-navigation-computer assisted FES-surgery (3D-CA-NESS), marker-based virtual reality simulations with touch free surgeon's commands, 3D-surgical navigation with additional remote visualization in the operating room, augmented reality in the operating room with "in the air" surgeon's commands as a "biomechanics" of the new era in personalized contactless hand-gesture noninvasive surgeon-computer interaction.

Residency, Sub-residency, Education:
* Medical School, University of Zagreb, Croatia, EU
* Thesis "Conversion of solid neoplasms into ascites tumors", Department of Physiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia, EU (mentor: Professor Filip Čulo)
* Postgraduate Study "Clinical Immunology and Allergology", School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia, EU
* Master's Degree (MMS) "The influence of cyclophosphamide on tumor-specific immunity. Induction of antitumor immunity in mice bearing advanced tumor", Department of Physiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia, EU (mentor: Professor Filip Čulo)
* Residency Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb/Zagreb University Clinical Hospital Center, Šalata 4, Zagreb, Croatia, EU, and 
* Eye and Ear Institute, Department of Otorhinolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
* Postgraduate Study "Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery", School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
* Doctor's Degree (PhD), "Prognostic significance of in vivo and in vitro prostaglandin E2 production by squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck", Department of Otorhinolagyngology-Head and Neck Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia (mentor: Professor Vladimir Katic), Eye and Ear Institute, Department of Otorhinolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (mentors: Professor Jonas T. Johnson and Associate Professor Carl H. Snyderman), and Division of Head and Neck Oncology and Immunology, and Immunologic Monitoring and Diagnostic Laboratory, Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA (mentor: Professor Theresa L Whiteside). 
* Specialization, Otorhinolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery , Department of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, University Clinical Hospital Center "Sisters of Charity", Zagreb, Croatia, EU
* Sub-residency , Head and Neck Plastic Surgery, Department of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, and Zagreb University Clinical Hospital Center, Šalata 4, Zagreb, Croatia, EU

Education/Training at a Number of Renowned International Departments and Institutes:
* Eye & Ear Institute, Department of Otorhinolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
* Division of Head and Neck Oncology and Immunology, and Immunologic Monitoring and Diagnostic Laboratory, Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
* University ENT-Clinic, LKH Graz, Austria, EU
* The Institute of Laryngology and Otology With the Ferens, London, Great Britain, EU
* Cottle International Rhinology Centennial, Phyladelphia, PA, USA

Professional Positions, Employment After Residency: 
* Assistant, cumulative employment, clinical-scientific field of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, Zagreb University School of Medicine, and Department of Otorhinolaryngology, H&N Surgery, University Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb
* Assistant Professor, cumulative employment, clinical-scientific field of ENT, head and neck surgery; Zagreb University School of Medicine, and Department of Otorhinolaryngology, H&N Surgery, University Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb
* Associate Professor, cumulative employment, clinical-scientific field of ENT, head and neck surgery; Zagreb University School of Medicine, and Department of Otorhinolaryngology, H&N Surgery, University Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb
* Visiting Professor, Eye and Ear Institute, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 
* Distinguished Faculty, Mayo Clinic, and American Rhinologic Society, Washington, D.C., USA 
* Professor, cumulative employment, clinical-scientific field of ENT, head and neck Surgery; Zagreb University School of Medicine, and Department of Otorhinolaryngology, H&N Surgery, University Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb
* Visiting Professor , Department of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Bavarian Julius Maximillian University, Würzburg, Germany
* Professor, cumulative employment, clinical-scientific field of Otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery; Josip Juraj Strossmayer University School of Medicine in Osijek
* Professor, cumulative employment, clinical-scientific field of Otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery; Faculty of  Dental Medicine and Health, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, Republic of Croatia, EU  

Duties, Selected Administrative, Advisory, and Honorary Posts:
Head, Reference Center of Computerized Surgery & Telesurgery, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Republic of Croatia, EU
Head, Course on Telemedicine, Scientific Postgraduate Study at School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb
Chairman, Croatian Society of Telemedicine, Croatian Medical Association (CMA)
Chairman, Commission on Telemedicine, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Republic of Croatia
President, Section of Rhinology, Croatian Medical Association (CMA)
Chair, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Šalata 4, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb

Head, Department of ENT-H&N Surgery, Agram Special Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia, EU

Head, Department of  Surgery, Agram Special Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia, EU

Founder/Director, Klapan Medical Group University Polyclinic, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, EU

Founder/Director, Klapan Medical Group d.o.o.,  Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, EU
Head, Course on Telemedicine, scientific postgraduate study at School of Medicine, J. J. Strossmayer University, Osijek
Secretary, Croatian Rhinology Society (CRS)
Editorial Board Member, Frontiers in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (FOHNS) Applis Publishers, Scottsdale, AZ, USA. 

Long-Standing Member:
American Academy of Otorhinolaryngology-Head&Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS)
American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS)
American Telemedicine Association (ATA)
New York Academy of Sciences, NY, USA
European Rhinologic Society (ERS) - International Advisory Board
International Society for Computer Aided Surgery, USA (ISCAS)
European School of Oncology (ESO)
European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)
European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS)
Croatian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery (CMA)

Admitted as Full Member to the Most Prestigious International Medical Academies / Commissions / Societies:
Collegium Otorhinolaryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum (CORLAS)
Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain (London)
Board, International Society for Telemedicine and e-Health (ISfTeH; Luxembourg)
International Confederation for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
European Academy of ORL and Head & Neck Surgery (EAORL-HNS)

Membership in the Most Prestigious Croatian National University Boards:
National Board for University Education of the Republic of Croatia
Accreditation Board of the Agency for Science and University Education of the Republic of Croatia

Scientific Projects:
5 (five) Croatian Projects; Team member,
10 (ten) Croatian Projects; Principal Investigator, launched by the Ministry of Science, Croatia, and
2 (two) USA Projects (Eye and Ear Institute, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA); Team member

Invited Lectures:
>500 lectures (invited lecturer, moderator, president), held at numerous universities, academies, international congresses, symposia and surgical courses in the USA, EU, Asia and Australia, organized by International Federation of ORL Societies (IFOS), European Federation of ORL Societies (EUFOS), European Rhinologic Society (ERS), American Rhinologic Society (ARS), and European Academy of ORL and Head & Neck Surgery (EAORL-HNS).

Professional Success in Medical Practice:
Klapan I et al. Prognostic significance of plasma PGE concentration in patients with head and neck cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 1992;118:308-13 , chosen by the Editorial Department of Clinical Digest Series – Oncology Digest, Northbrook, IL, USA, have been published in an abridged form as being highly relevant for the scientific field of ENT
1994 The first 3D-navigation-computer assisted functional endoscopic nose and sinus operation (3D-CA-NES) in Croatian medicine, as one of the first operations of this type in the world (June 3rd)
1994 Klapan I et al. Acute upper respiratory tract infections and indications for tonsillectomy in children. I. Immunoglobulin synthesis in the palatine tonsil tissue. Int J Pediatr Otolaryngol 1994;29:169-78, chosen by the Editorial Department of Clinical Digest Series – Oncology Digest, Northbrook, IL, USA, have been published in an abridged form as being highly relevant for the scientific field of ENT
1995 The set hypothesis on the possible effect of AAm leukotriene C4 (LTC4) on creating conditions for the development of paranasal sinus mucosa lesions, and thus for the onset of sinonasal polyps (SNp), was subsequently fully confirmed; published in the leading medical periodicals (Am J Otolaryngol, 1995; CC)
1996 The first formal telemedicine (tele-radiology-otorhinolaryngology) video conference in Croatia (May)
1998 The first Tele-3D-navigation-computerized-endoscopic operations of the nose, sinuses and scull base (Tele-3D-CA-NES), for the first time in the world medicine, thus initiating a completely new era in the development of 21st century medicine worldwide. This achievement has been acknowledged by a special note in the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery Monograph,
1999 Klapan I et al. Azithromycin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid in the treatment of acute sinusitis. Am J Otolaryngol 1999;20:7-11 has been chosen by Pfizer, Inc., USA and Grupo Editorial Moreira and Journal Revista Brasileira de Medicina, Brazil, for special issuing and use in the USA and Brazil for its high relevance for the scientific field of ENT

Other Scientific and Clinical Activities:
1983 Effect of cytostatics on antitumor immunity in mice carrying advanced tumors (tumor-specific immunity)
1984 Induction of antitumor immunity after local (non-systemic) transfer of spleen cells in mice carrying advanced tumors
1986-1998 Determination of synthesis and prognostic significance of prostaglandin E (PGE) in vitro in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
1989-1990 In vivo and in vitro determination of PGE2 synthesis in monocellular lines of the head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
1989-1990 Antiproliferative (antitumor) effects of cytokines (IFN-γ, IFN-α, TNF-α) on the growth of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
1990-1991 Rhinomanometry and septoplasty in children, immune basis of secretory otitis, adenoidectomy and pharyngotympanic tube dysfunction
1991 Comparison of US and radiologic studies with sinusoscopy findings in patients with maxillary sinusitis, indications for tonsillectomy, and immunoglobulin synthesis in palatine tonsils
1992 Determination of blood LBSA and histamine in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
1993 Biochemical analysis of arachidonic acid metabolite (AAm) synthesis in the tissue of vocal cord polyps and hypertrophic ventricular folds
1993-1994 Determination and role of arachidonic acid metabolites (AAm) in the tissue of sinonasal polyps and their prognostic value, endoscopic approach to metal foreign bodies in the nose and paranasal sinuses (3D-computerized surgery), comparison of rhinomanometry findings in patients with perennial rhinitis treated by CO2 laser turbinotomy and fluticasone propionate, paranasal sinuses and fibrous dysplasia
1996-1998 Therapeutic efficacy of 3-day azithromycin and 10-day amoxicillin/clavulanic acid therapy for acute sinusitis
1993-2000 Development of the original idea and method for the use of computerized support in cosmetic plastic surgery
1994 Development of a completely new type of surgery, "3D-computer assisted functional endoscopic sinus surgery (3D CA-NES)", preoperative planning, intraoperative guidance and postoperative analysis
1992-2016 The use of 3D-digitalizer in 3D CA-NES-operations
2003-2004 Effect of nonspecific prognostic tumor markers (Ki-67) on the growth, treatment and cure of the head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
1996-2020 Tele-3D-CA-NES
2000-2020 Development of telemedicine in the head and neck diagnosis and surgery
2005-2020 The use of sophisticated techniques of virtual reality (VR) in the head and neck diagnosis and surgery
2007-2020 Head and neck virtual diagnosis and surgery
2010-2023 Application of the newest techniques of virtual reality (VR) in the surgery of the nose, paranasal sinuses and scull base: (computer assisted navigation, marker-based virtual reality simulation, 3D-surgical planner with remote visualization, 3D-navigation and augmented reality in the operating room with contactless 'in the air' surgeon's commands) 

Original Publications:
(total: >160/; citations: >500; h-index: >25; 14 medical books (7/Croatian and 7/English language; editor, author and/or co-autor)

Selected Original Publications: 
1 Klapan I, Čulo F, Marić M. The influence of cyclophosphamide on tumor-specific immunity. Induction of antitumor immunity in mice bearing advanced tumor. Period Biologorum, 1986, 88:526-527.
2 Sacchi M, Klapan I, Johnson JT, Whiteside TL. Antiproliferative effects of cytokines on squamous cell carcinoma . Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 1991, 117:321-326.
3 Čulo, F; Klapan, I; Katić, V; Kolak, T; Bakula, B. Production of prostaglandin E by squamous carcinoma of the head and neck and adenocarcinoma of gastrointestinal tissue. // Medical oncology and tumor pharmacotherapy. 9 (1992) , 1; 35-39.
4 Klapan I, Katić V, Čulo F, Ćuk V. Prognostic significance of plasma prostaglandin E concentration in patients with head and neck cancer. // Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 1992, 118:308-313.
5 Klapan I, Katić V, Čulo F, Sabolović D, Ćuk V, Fumić K, Simović S. Lipid bound sialic acid, PGE and histamine in head and neck cancer. // Eur J Cancer, 1993, 29A(6):839-845.
6 Čulo F, Klapan I, Kolak T. The influence of cyclophosphamide on anti-tumor immunity in mice mearing late stage tumors. I. Induction of anti-tumor immunity demonstrable upon local but not systemic transfer of spleen cells. Cancer Immunol Immunother, 1993, 36:115-122.
7 Snyderman CH, Klapan I, Milanovich M, Heo DS, Wagner R, Schwartz D, Johnson JT, Whiteside TL. Comparison of in vivo and in vitro prostaglandin E2 production by squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 1994, 111:189-196.
8 Klapan I, Čulo F, Čulig J, Bukovec Ž, Simović S, Ćuk V, Rišavi R, Bumber Ž, Šprem N, Vukoja M. Arachidonic acid metabolites and sinonasal polyposis. I. Possible prognostic value. Am J Otolaryngol, 1995, 16(6):396-402.
9 Klapan I, Matrapazovski M, Orešković K, Čulig J. Azithromycin and amoxicillin/calvulanic acid in the treatment of acute sinusitis. Am J Otolaryngol, 1999, 20:7-11.
10 Klapan I, Šimičić Lj, Rišavi R, Bešenski N, Bumber Ž, Stiglmajer N, Janjanin S. Dynamic 3D computer-assisted reconstruction of metallic retrobulbar foreign body for diagnostic and surgical purposes. Case report: orbital injury with ethmoid bone involvement. . // Orbit, 2001, 20(1):35-49.
11 Klapan I, Šimičić Lj, Bešenski N, Bumber Ž, Janjanin S, Rišavi R, Mladina R. Application of 3D Computer -Assisted Techniques to Sinonasal Pathology-Case Report: War Wounds of Paranasal Sinuses Caused by Metallic Foreign Bodies . Am J Otolaryngol, 2002, 23(1):27-34.
12 Klapan I, Šimičić Lj, Rišavi R, Pasari K, Sruk V, Schwarz D, Barišić J. Real time transfer of live video images in parallel with three-dimensional modeling of the surgical field in computer-assisted telesurgery. . // Telemed Telecare, 2002, 8:125-130.
13 Klapan I, Šimičić Lj, Rišavi R, Bešenski N, Pasarić K, Gortan D, Janjanin S, Pavić D, Vranješ Ž. Tele-3D-Computer Assisted Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: new dimension in the surgery of the nose and paranasal sinuses.. // Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg, 2002, 127:549-557.
14 Klapan I, Vranješ Ž, Rišavi R, Šimičić Lj, Prgomet D, Glušac B. Computer assisted surgery and computer-assisted telesurgery in otorhinolaryngology. Ear Nose Throat J, 2006, 85(5):318-321.
15 Klapan I, Vranješ Ž, Prgomet D, Lukinović J. Application of advanced virtual reality and 3D computer assisted technologies in tele-3D-computer assisted surgery in rhinology. // Coll Antropol, 2008, 32(1):217-219.
16 Raos P, Klapan I, Galeta T. Additive Manufacturing of Medical Models – Applications in Rhinology. Collegium Antropol, 2015; 39(3):667-73.
17 Klapan I, Raos P, Galeta T, Kubat G. Virtual reality in rhinology-a new experience of clinical experience.  Ear Nose Throat, 2016; 95(7): 23-28.
18 Klapan I, Duspara A, Majhen Z, Benić I, Kostelac M, Kubat G, Berlengi N. What is the future of minimally invasive surgery in rhinology: marker-based virtual reality simulation with touch free surgeon's commands, 3D-surgical navigation with additional remote visualization in the operating room, or ...? Frontiers in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (FOHNS). 2017; 1(1): 1-7        
19. Klapan I, Duspara A, Majhen Z, Benić I, Kostelac M, Kubat G, Berlengi N, Zemba M, Žagar M. What is the future of minimally invasive sinus surgery: computer assisted navigation, 3D-surgical planner, augmented reality in the operating room with 'in the air' surgeon's commands as a “biomechanics” of the new era in personalized contactless hand-gesture noninvasive surgeon-computer interaction? J Scientific Technical Research 2019; 19(5):14678-14678                                     
Klapan I, Duspara A, Majhen Z, Benić I, Trampuš Z, Žagar M, Kubat G, Berlengi N, Zemba M, Klapan L, Ešler M. Do we really need a new innovative navigation-non-invasive on the fly gesture-controlled incisionless surgery? J Scientific Technical Research 2019; 20(5): 15394-15404.  
21. Klapan I, Majhen Z, Žagar M, Klapan L, Trampuš Z, Berlengi N, Zemba M, Ljubičić A. Utilization of 3-D medical imaging and touch-free navigation in endoscopic surgery: does our current technologic advancement represent the future in innovative contactless noninvasive surgery in rhinology? What is next? J Scientific Technical Research 2019; 22(1):16336-16344.

22. Žagar M, Mutka A, Klapan I, Majhen Z. Hand and gesture module for enabling contactless surgery. Trends Telemed e Health. 2021; 3(1): 1-5.

23. Žagar M, Klapan I, Mutka A, Majhen Z. Implementation Details for Controlling Contactless 3D Virtual Endoscopy. Appl Sci, 2022; 12: 1-10

Editorial Work in Scientific Journals:

Editorial Board Member, Frontiers in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (FOHNS)
Reviewer of numerous research projects launched by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Croatia, and papers submitted for publication to Croatian and American scientific CC medical journals. Supervisor to many graduation and MS theses and doctoral dissertations

Selected Six (6) Awards (of all fiftteen; 15) international medical awards, recognitions and grants from the USA, Europe and Australia):
a) Pittsburgh University Fellowship Award, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; only one award per year is granted by this American University 
b) The Garnett Passe & Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation Award, Sydney, Australia, as one of the most prestigious World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery awards, presented at the ceremony held in the Opera House, Sydney, led by Her Majesty Elisabeth II's Governor-General of Australia; the award was presented by Professor E. Myers, MD, PhD, Chairman of the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, USA
c) Acknowledgment of high contribution to fostering the noble tradition of the Croatian Medical Association, medical science and healthcare in the Republic of Croatia, granted by a decision of the Main Board of the Croatian Medical Association (CMA)
d) European Rhinologic Society-Society Information ( - " Professor Ivica Klapan, Croatia, EU, gave a significant contribution to the development of image-guided sinus surgery and computer-assisted surgery "
e) RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE - PATIENTS CHOICE : "Based on the preset criteria, analysis of evaluation and comments on all doctors (physicians) in the Republic of Croatia, available at the portal, Professor Ivica Klapan, M.D., Ph.D., has been chosen as one of the best doctors according to patients' choice, and also as the superior ENT specialist/head and neck plastic surgeon in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. The list of all doctors chosen by patients is available at "
f) Professor Klapan and Klapan Medical Group University Polyclinic received the prestigious Annual Award of Excellence of the European Medical Association (EMA) and the European Bussiness Assembly (EBA), named the “Rose of Paracelsus Award” for the „Best Medical Practice 2017-2018”. The award is granted to the best medical clinics and practitioners, whose professional reputation is confirmed by quality standards compliance and the patients’ loyality. The special session was held in London, UK, on the sunny day of 21 November 2017.

Language Proficiency:
Croatian, mother tongue
English, and Italian (fluently)

Diplomas of honor and recognitions


Head/invited speaker of international congresses, surgical symposia, courses

2018. Zagreb, Croatia, EU, 5th Croatian Rhinology Congress, I. Klapan (faculty/congress secretary/workshop moderator/Workshop "NESS")

2018. Vodice, Croatia, HUZDUK Symposium, Professor Klapan (faculty/invited resorce speaker/lecturer) 

2017. London, UK, European Medical Association&European Bussiness Assembly Annual Meeting, I. Klapan/invited speaker and laureate of the “Rose of Paracelsus Annual Award” for the best medical practice 2017/2018

2016. Zagreb, Croatia, EU, 4th Croatian Rhinology Congress, I. Klapan (faculty/congress secretary/workshop moderator/Workshop "NESS")

 2014. Zagreb, Croatia, EU  3rd Croatian Rhinologic Congress, I. Klapan (faculty/congress secretary/workshop chairman)

2014. Istanbul, Turkey, Collegium ORLAS, I. Klapan (faculty/invited resource speaker lecturer/Symposium „Rhinology“)

2014. Dubai, UAE, ISIAN-IRS-PARS, I. Klapan (faculty/invited resource speaker lecturer/Symposium „Recent and Advances in ESS“) 

2013. Nica, France, 2nd EAORL-HNS, 2nd CE-ORL, I. Klapan (faculty/invited resource speaker /symposium lecturer/CAS instructional course chairman) 

2012, Zagreb, Croatia, 2nd Rhino Congress, I. Klapan (faculty/ invited resorce speaker/lecturer, CAS symposium president) and Prof. M. Caversaccio, Switzerland

2012. Toulouse, France, 24th ERS & ISIAN, I. Klapan (faculty/invited resource speaker lecturer/CAS instructional course chairman)

2011. Osijek, Croatia, NESS Symposium, Professor Klapan (lecturer, symposium president) 

2010. Geneva, Swiss., 23rd ERS & ISIAN, I. Klapan (faculty/invited resource speaker) and Prof. G. Strauss, Germany

2010, Leipzig, Germany, IRDC R&D Carl STORZ Center for Surgical Technology (invited/guest)

2010, Zagreb, Croatia, 1st Rhino Congress, Prof. I. Klapan (faculty/invited resorce speaker/lecturer, CAS symposium president) 

2009, Lepizig, Germany, Acqua Clinic, (invited/guest)

2008. Budapest, Hungary, 1st Rhinolight Masterclass (faculty, invited resource speaker/lecturer)

2007. Paris, France, Congress, Anti-aging treatment

2006. Tampere, Finland, 21st ERS & ISIAN, (faculty/invited resource speaker/lecturer)

2006. Vienna, Austrija, Austrian WG TeleMED e-Health, (invited speaker)

2006. Island of Hvar, Croatia, 2nd International CRO TeleMED Congress (congress president)

2005. Roma, Italy, 18th IFOS (ORL) World Congress (faculty, invited resource speaker/lecturer)

2005. Athens, Greece, EUFOS (ORL) Congress, I. Klapan (faculty/invited resource speaker/lecturer) i Prof. Naser Kotby (IFOS president)

2005. Tromso, Norway, High-Level European eHealth Conferrence, (representative/Republic of Croatia)

2005. Luxembourgh, 10th Med-e-Tel & ISfTeHealth, (faculty, invited resource speaker/lecturer)

2004. Rodos, Greece,  5th EUFOS Congress (faculty, invited resource speaker/lecturer,  representative / Republic of Croatia)

2004. Zagreb, Croatia, 2nd International Croatian Telemed Congress (congress president)

 2003.  Warsaw, Poland, Rhinology Masterclass (faculty/invited resource speaker/lecturer)

2003. Seoul, South Korea, IRS & ISIAN (ORL) (faculty, invited resource speaker/lecturer, CAS symposium president)

2002.  Makarska, Croatia, 1st International Croatian Telemed Congress (congress president)

2002. Bangkok,Thailand, National Medical Center

2001. Bari, Italy, SoftCOM Conferrence (conferrence president)

2001. Aalborg, Denmark, ORL Department (invited speaker, guest)

2001. Ancona, Italy, International  TeleMED Conferrence (conferrence president)

2001. Athens, Greece, 2nd World Congresss of ORL, Allergy, Endoscopic Surgery (faculty, invited  resource speaker/lecturer)

 2000. Pittsbourgh, PA, USA, Professor E. Myers (chairman/ Eye&Ear Dept., University of Pittsbourgh),  "Visiting Professor" diploma/professor Klapan

2000. Barcelona, Spain, 18th ERS & ISIAN (ORL) (faculty/invited resource speaker/lecturer, CAS symposium presidentt) 

 2000. Berlin, Germany, 4th EUFOS (faculty, invited speaker)

 2000. Washington DC, USA,  World Congress of the Nose (faculty/ invited resource speaker/lecturer, workshop president)

2000. Pittsbourgh, PA, USA, International Symposium "Cancer of the Oral Cavity" (faculty/invited resource speaker/lecturer)

1999. Manila, Phillipines, 18th ISIAN (ORL), I. Klapan (faculty/invited resource speaker/lecturer, CAS symposium president) & Prof. G. Vincente (congress president)

1999/2000. Island of Brač, Croatia, TeleMED Conferrence Brač-EU (conferrence president), with dr. Slender (director, MC Brač) 

1998. Viena, Austria, 17th ERS & ISIAN (ORL) (faculty/invited speaker) 

1998. San Antonio, TX, USA, 102nd Annual Meeting American Academy ORL-H&N Surgery

1997. Portorož, SLO, 4th Int. Endoscop. Congress (invited speaker)

1997. Sydney, Australia, World Congress of ORL Head & Neck Surgery (World Congress / faculty / invited resource speaker/lecturer) 

1996. Moscow, Russia, 3rd Russian Congress „The Men & Pharmacy“ (faculty, invited resource speaker/lecturer)