European Business Assembly (EBA) i European Medical Association (EMA su dodijelile prestižnu godišnju nagradu “The Rose of Paracelsus Award” za najbolju medicinksu praksu u 2017-2018. godini. Nagrada je uručena profesoru Ivici Klapanu i Poliklinici Klapan Medical Group, Zagreb, Hrvatska, EU, u Londonu/GB, dana 22. studenog 2017. godine.
„Ivica Klapan, Univ. Professor of ORL-H&N Plastic Surgery, M.D., Ph.D., Founder/Director of the POLIKLINIKA KLAPAN MEDICAL GROUP, Croatia, EU, is recommended by the European Medical Association (EMA) Brussels, Belgium as a reliable Healthcare provider, and is awarded to be on the officinal „Best Medical Practice“ register of the EMA and EBA“

Empress Court, 2 Woodins Way, Oxford, OX11HF
Dear Prof.Dr.Ivica Klapan,
On behalf of European Medical Association (EMA) and ‘EBA Global’ Loyalty Programme of Europe Business Assembly (EBA) let me thank you for attending the European Medical Association General Assembly, London, the UK on 20-21 November, 2017. Your participation has enriched the agenda and added value to the whole assembly. I do hope you have enjoyed the gathering. Let me cordially congratulate Poliklinika Klapan Medical Group for becoming a member of the ‘EBA Global’ community and receiving the prestigious international award by EMA.
We do hope for further cooperation and for being useful in your professional activities and business results enhancement.
Kind regards,
Prof. John W.A. Netting
Director General of the Europe Business Assembly